Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 10 - Believe it or not - a Punjabi [Toda]

All human beings are very sensitive about their religion. We have also seen many people being converted in to different religions by choice.

On day 10, at Ooty, we came across an interesting incident... a person, Dr. Tarun Chabbra by name and a dentist by profession, a Punjabi by caste who has now volunterily become a Toda!

He was so carried over by their culture, the Toda culture ,their closeness to nature... that he decided to become one amidst them. Secondly, he also saw a danger to this tribe in times to come. If he had to do something for their betterment, protection and ensure that they do not perish,he thought that this would not be possible unless he becomes a part of them. He wants to educate them and make them more aware to the changing world. He continues his mission silently in the serene environments at Ooty.

He believes that our Government is totally incensitive to the tribes. " One can't sit in Delhi and pass a law that is applicable to all tribes in India. It is just not done as every tribe has a different culture. But, our officials do not understand. How can a tribe that has been pastoral for hundreds of years become agriculture driven overnight? " he speaks with passion and concern for the Todas.

Every bit of his clinic speaks of his passion for this tribe...the television cover, the wall paintings, the curtains...the decor as a whole...everything is Toda driven!

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